Title Tematsko poučavanje suradničkim strategijama učenja
Title (english) Thematic teaching by using collaborative learning strategies
Author Leana Gržinić
Mentor Petra Pejić Papak (mentor)
Committee member Maja Opašić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marinko Lazzarich (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education (Department for Interdisciplinary and Natural Sciences) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Tematsko poučavanje integracijom i korelacijom nastavnih sadržaja i predmeta podrazumijeva odabir, primjenu i prilagođivanje načina poučavanja potrebama, sposobnostima i interesima učenika, kako bi se osigurao odgojno-obrazovni uspjeh ali i poticajno djelovalo na razvoj svih područja učenikove osobnosti. U kontekstu toga potrebno je u nastavu implementirati suradničke strategije učenja koje potiču učenika na djelovanje te njima učenici razvijaju kritičko i kreativno mišljenje, komunikacijske i socijalne vještine te jačaju samopoštovanje.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati primjenu suradničkog učenja koje učitelji implementiraju u poučavanje, učestalošću korištenja suradničkih strategija rada u sklopu nastavnih predmeta, ali i integrirane nastave uz iznošenje primjera dobre prakse pripreme za poučavanje. Značaj se pridao i ograničavajućim čimbenicima koje učitelji izdvajaju u primjeni suradničkih strategija. U istraživanju, putem anketnog upitnika, sudjelovali su učitelji (N=115) triju županija (Primorsko-goranske, Istarske i Karlovačke). Dobiveni su nam pokazali kako je primjena suradničkog učenja u nastavi nedovoljna, te kako postoji veoma raznolika zastupljenost istog u pojedinim nastavnim predmetima. Pokazalo se kako se primjena suradničkih strategija prema stavovima učitelja najviše utječe na pozitivne međuljudske odnose i pozitivno razredno ozračje. Među ograničavajuće čimbenike za primjenu suradničkih strategija učitelji najčešće izdvajaju brojnost učenika u razrednom odjelu i predviđeno vrijeme za ostvarivanje aktivnosti. Kao najčešće korišten oblik integriranog poučavanja izdvaja se korelacija, a najučestalije provedene teme u integriranom obliku poučavanja su godišnja doba i prigodne teme.
Orijentiranost na suvremeno poučavanje, u skladu s Nacionalnim okvirnim kurikulumom otvara prostor uvođenju integriranog načina poučavanja u odgojno-obrazovnu praksu uz primjenu različitih oblika i metoda nastave, suradničkih strategija u kojima učenici uz moderiranje učitelja samostalno otkrivaju spoznaje, a suradnjom ih usustavljuju.
Abstract (english) Teaching through the integration and correlation of teaching contents and subjects involves selecting, applying and adapting the teaching methods to the pupils' needs, abilities and interests, to ensure educational success, but also to encourage the development of all areas of the student's personality. In the context of this, it is necessary to implement collaborative learning strategies in teaching because they encourage students to work and develop critical and creative thinking, communication and social skills, and strengthen self-esteem.
The aim of this study was to examine the use of collaborative learning that teachers implement in teaching, the frequency of use of collaborative work strategies within teaching subjects, as well as integrated teaching, with examples of good practice of lectures preparation. Significance has also been attributed to the limiting factors that teachers emphasize in the use of collaborative strategies. In the research, through the questionnaire, participated teachers (N = 115) in three counties (Primorsko-goranska, Istra and Karlovac). We have found that the use of collaborative learning in teaching is insufficient, and that there is a very diverse representation of it in certain subjects. It has been shown by teacher attitudes that the use of collaborative strategies is most influenced by positive interpersonal relationships and positive classroom environments. Among the limiting factors for the use of collaborative strategies, teachers most often distinguish the number of pupils in the classroom and the expected time to complete the activities. The most commonly used form of integrated teaching is the correlation and the most commonly implemented themes in the integrated form of teaching are the seasons and the occasional themes.
The orientation towards modern teaching, in accordance with the national framework curriculum, opens the door to the introduction of integrated teaching in the educational practice with the use of different forms and methods of teaching, collaborative strategies in which students with moderation of the teachers discover the knowledge on their own and with cooperation systematize it.
integrirano poučavanje
aktivnosti učenika
tematsko poučavanje
suradničke strategije
Keywords (english)
integrated teaching
student activity
collaborative strategies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:891627
Study programme Title: Integrated graduate and graduate study of Primary School Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-07-08 16:59:35