Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines) |
Abstract | Cilj ovoga rada jest kinematičkom analizom motoričke strukture hodanja djece rane i predškolske dobi utvrditi eventualna odstupanja od idealne strukture hodanja prilikom izvođenja određenih motoričkih zadataka. Istraživanje je provedeno u Dječjem vrtiću „Sušak“ podcentar Morčić u Rijeci. Sudjelovalo je 20 djece u dobi od 2,8 godine do 6,2 godine, djeca su snimana tijekom izvođenja četiri motorička zadatka hodanja (unaprijed, unatrag, slalom i hodanje po klupi) na udaljenosti od pet metara. Kinematička analiza izvršena je u programu Kinovea, a za istraživanje važne su bile varijable: ukupno trajanje zadatka, broj koraka, prosječno trajanje koraka, dužina koraka i aktivnost ruku. Mjerenje kutova izvršeno je u gležnju, koljenu, kuku i glavi. Također, u motoričkom zadatku hodanja po klupi važno je bilo primijetiti način penjanja i silaženja s klupe.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju veliku heterogenost među djecom koja su sudjelovala u istraživanju. Do odstupanja u rezultatima dolazi zbog različite dobi djece. Razlika između dobi djece najuočljivija je rezultatima dužine i broja koraka. Djeca vrtićke dobi imaju duži korak i potreban im je manji broj koraka dok je djeci jasličke dobi korak kraći i veći broj koraka im je potreban. Također, prema indeksu tjelesne mase otkrivena su pojedina djeca koja ulaze u kategoriju pretilosti te postoji mogućnost ITM utječe na njihovo izvođenje motoričkog zadatka. Utvrđeni su i neki od obrazaca ponašanja djece pri obavljanju motoričkih zadataka hodanja.
Ovo istraživanje ističe značaj fizičke aktivnosti kod djece, posebno onih prilagođenih i prikladnih za djecu u ranom i predškolskom uzrastu. Biotičke motoričke vještine kod djece su sve ugroženije, stoga je važno koristiti ciljani sadržaj kako bi se potaknuo sveobuhvatan motorički razvoj. Na taj način se čuvaju i dodatno usvajaju motoričke vještine neophodne za svakodnevni život, dok se istovremeno postavljaju temelji za daljnji razvoj motoričkih sposobnosti kod djece. Ovim postupcima postavljamo osnovu za daljnji kvalitetan rast i razvoj te radimo na usvajanju zdravih životnih navika. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study is to determine potential deviations from the ideal walking structure during the performance of certain motor tasks by conducting a kinematic analysis of the walking motor structure of children in early and preschool age. The research was conducted at the "Sušak" Kindergarten, Morčić subcenter in Rijeka. A total of 20 children aged between 2.8 and 6.2 years participated, and they were recorded while performing four motor walking tasks (forward, backward, slalom, and walking on a bench) over a distance of five meters. The kinematic analysis was carried out using the Kinovea program, and the variables important for the research included: total task duration, number of steps, average step duration, step length, and arm activity. Angle measurements were taken at the ankle, knee, hip, and head. Additionally, in the motor task of walking on a bench, it was important to observe the manner of climbing and descending from the bench.
The research results show great heterogeneity among the children who participated in the study. The discrepancies in the results arise due to the different ages of the children. The age difference between the children is most noticeable in the results for step length and number of steps. Kindergarten-aged children have longer steps and require fewer steps, while nursery-aged children have shorter steps and require more steps. Additionally, according to the body mass index, some children were identified as falling into the obesity category, suggesting that BMI may affect their performance in motor tasks. Certain behavior patterns were also observed in children while performing the motor walking tasks.
This research highlights the importance of physical activity in children, especially those activities that are adapted and suitable for early and preschool age. Biotic motor skills in children are increasingly at risk, so it is important to use targeted content to stimulate comprehensive motor development. In this way, motor skills essential for everyday life are preserved and further acquired, while simultaneously laying the foundation for the further development of motor abilities in children. These procedures set the basis for further quality growth and development, and contribute to the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits. |