Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines) |
Abstract | Odnos između odgajatelja i djece je iznimno važan budući da utječe na cjelokupno
ozračje u skupini, rad odgajatelja, te veliki dio onih uspomena koje će dijete imati po
završetku svojeg boravka u ustanovi za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. S druge
strane, određeni broj karakteristika odgajatelja i djece ima značajnog efekta na stvaranje
tog odnosa, posebice njegovih pozitivnih aspekata, kao što je ostvarivanje bliskosti između
odgajatelja i djece. Stoga će fokus ovog rada biti na utvrđivanju odnosa između odgajatelja
i djece, te posebice pozitivnih aspekata tog odnosa, odnosno bliskosti. Osim toga,
analizirat će se odnos između različitih socio-demografskih odrednica tog odnosa, kako
odgajatelja (spol, dob, radni staž, težina rada s djecom), te njihove dobrobiti (zadovoljstva
životom, optimizma i sreće), tako i djece (spol, dob, posebne potrebe).
Ovo istraživanje se provodi u Dječjem vrtiću Matulji, u kojem je sudjelovalo 16
odgajatelja, prosječne dobi M=45,51 godina (SD=11,2), u rasponu od 29 do 63 godine i
prosječne duljine staža M=21,29 (SD=11,012), u rasponu od 5 do 39 godina radnog staža.
Odgajatelji su procjenjivali odnos sa svakim pojedinim djetetom u skupini. U istraživanje
je bilo uključeno 301 dijete prosječne dobi M=5 godina (SD=1,091) u rasponu od 2 do 7
godina. Od ukupnog broja djece, 5-ero djece ima posebnu potrebu.
Istraživanje pokazuje da odgajatelji imaju veću razinu bliskosti s djecom u odnosu
na konflikt, s čime se potvrđuje postavljena hipoteza. Posebna potreba kod djeteta ne
određuje odnos odgajatelja i djeteta u skupini. Optimizam kod odgajatelja je umjeren, a
sreća ima višu razinu, te ove vrijednosti opadaju s dobi i duljinom radnog staža. U skladu s
time, bliskost odgajatelja i djeteta opada s dobi odgajatelja, odnosno konflikt je veći kod
odgajatelja s višim godinama radnog staža.
Rezultati ovog istraživanja su vrijedni, te upućuju na daljnje istraživanje prakse, a
sve u cilju unaprjeđenja prakse koja za krajnji cilj ima dobrobit djeteta. |
Abstract (english) | The relationship between early childhood educators and children is extremely important since it influences the overall atmosphere in the group, the work of early childhood educators, as well as the large part of memories that children will have at the end of their stay in the institution for early childhood and preschool education and care. On the other hand, certain characteristics relating to early childhood educators and children have a significant effect on the creation of such relationship, in particular its positive aspects, such as the achievement of closeness between educators and children. Therefore, the focus of this paper will be on establishing the relationship between educators and children, and in particular the positive aspects of that relationship, that is, closeness. Moreover, the relationship between different socio-demographic determinants of this relationship will be analysed, for both educators (gender, age, seniority, the complexity of working with children) and their wellbeing (life satisfaction, optimism and happiness), as well as for children (gender, age, special needs).
This study was conducted in the Matulji Kindergarten, and included 16 early childhood educators, their average age being M = 45.51 (SD = 11.2), ranging from 29 to 63 years of age, with average seniority of M = 21.29 (SD = 11.012), ranging from 5 to 39 years of service. Educators evaluated the relationship with each child in the group. The study included 301 children ranging from 2 to 7 years of age, with the average age being M = 5 years of age (SD = 1.091). Out of the total number of children, five are with special needs.
The study shows that educators have a higher level of closeness with children in relation to conflict, which confirms the set hypothesis. A child’s special need does not determine the relationship between the educator and the child in the group. The level of optimism among educators is moderate, whereas happiness is on a higher level, however these values tend to decrease with age and seniority. Consequently, the closeness between educators and children decreases with educators’ age, that is, the conflict is higher with educators who have more years of service.
The results of this research are valuable and point out the need for further research, all for the purpose of improving the practical aspects of the profession for the benefit of children.
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