Title Fiziološko opterećenje u nastavi Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture primjenom kondicijskih treninga
Title (english) Physiological load in Physical and Health Education classes using fitness training
Author Lea Kozić
Mentor Biljana Trajkovski (mentor)
Committee member Vilko Petrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Biljana Trajkovski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Ljubičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education (Department for Social Sciences) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-11-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Cilj pisanja ovoga diplomskog rada je utvrditi razinu fiziološkog opterećenja djece trećih
razreda osnovne škole nakon provedbe kondicijskih treninga. Istraživanje je provedeno na satu
Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u osnovnoj školi Matija Vlačić te sudjelovalo 32 učenika trećeg
razreda, od čega su 18 bili dječaci, a 14 djevojčice. Ovim istraživanjem provjeravale su se tri
ključne varijable – vrijednosti frekvencije srca u fazi mirovanja, vrijednosti tijekom prvog
kruga vježbanja te vrijednosti frekvencije srca tijekom drugog kruga vježbanja. Kako bi podaci
bili što dosljedni, testiranje se provodi uz pomoć deset različitih kondicijskih treninga. Svaki
trening sastoji se od osam tjelovježbenih zadataka i provodi se kružnom postavom vježbanja.
Sam postupak provođenja zadataka osmišljen je prema shemi ruke-noge-leđa-trbuh. Težina i
složenost ovih testova prilagođena je sposobnostima i mogućnostima kojima učenici te dobi
Nakon provedbe osmišljenih testova, utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika
između spolova u kondicijskoj spremnosti, čime se odbacuje hipoteza broj dva. Promatrajući
frekvencije srca učenika prije izvođenja vježbi te tijekom prvog i drugog kruga vježbanja,
zaključujemo kako je frekvencija srca u drugom i trećem mjerenju značajno porasla u odnosu
na prvobitno mjerenje. Unatoč tome, iznosi frekvencija srca tijekom prvog i drugog kruga
vježbanja nisu bili dovoljno visoki kako bi zadovoljili postavljenu hipotezu broj jedan, koja
govori kako će frekvencija srca svakog pojedinog učenika biti veća od 140 otkucaja srca u
minuti. Zbog toga se i hipoteza broj jedan odbacuje. Treća, ujedno i jedina hipoteza koja je
ovim istraživanjem potvrđena odnosi se na razlike u prosječnim frekvencijama srca između
prvog i drugog kruga vježbanja i govori kako će upravo frekvencije srca tijekom drugog kruga
vježbanja biti veće od frekvencija srca tijekom prvog kruga vježbanja.
Ovim diplomskim radom većim se dijelom nastoji procijeniti kondicijska odnosno fizička
spremnost učenika u dobi od deset godina, ali također dolazi do izražaj i njihova psihička
spremnost. Uzimajući u obzir današnji pretežito sjedilački način života, potrebno je učestalo
pratiti i provjeravati fizičku spremnost djece, kako bi im mogli pružiti što kvalitetnije povratne
informacije i time utjecati na poboljšanje njihovom zdravlja.
Abstract (english) The goal of this graduate thesis is to determine the level of physiological load on third-grade
elementary school children after conducting fitness training. The research was made during
Physical and Health Education class at Matija Vlačić Elementary School in Labin, involving
32 third-grade students, of whom 18 were boys and 14 were girls.
This research examined three key variables - heart rate values at rest, heart rate values during
the first round of exercise, and heart rate values during the second round of exercise.
In order for the data to be as consistent as possible, the testing was conducted using ten different
fitness training sessions. Each training session consisted of eight exercise tasks and was
performed in a circular training setup. The process of performing the tasks was designed
according to the arms-legs-back-abdomen scheme. The difficulty and complexity of these tests
were adjusted to the abilities and capacities of students of that age.
After carrying out the designed tests, it was determined that there is no statistically significant
difference between genders in terms of physical fitness, thereby rejecting hypothesis number
two. Observing the students' heart rates before performing the exercises and during the first and
second rounds of exercise, we conclude that heart rates significantly increased during the
second and third measurements compared to the initial measurement. However, the heart rate
values during the first and second rounds of exercise were not high enough to meet the first
hypothesis, which stated that the heart rate of each individual student would exceed 140 beats
per minute. Therefore, hypothesis number one is also rejected. The third and the only hypothesis
confirmed by this research refers to the differences in average heart rates between the first and
second rounds of exercise, stating that the heart rates during the second round of exercise would
be higher than those during the first round.
This graduate thesis primarily aims to evaluate fitness or physical readiness of students at the
age of ten, but we also learn about their psychological readiness. Considering today's mostly
sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to frequently monitor and check physical fitness of the
children, in order to be able to provide the best possible feedback to affect the improvement of
their health.
fiziološko opterećenje
nastava Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture
kondicijski trening
kružna postava vježbanja
frekvencija srca
kondicijska spremnost
Keywords (english)
physiological load
Physical and Health Education
conditioning training
circuit training setup
heart rate
conditioning readiness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:563627
Study programme Title: Integrated graduate and graduate study of Primary School Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-01-23 10:29:47