Title Procjena stanja uhranjenosti i fitnesa učenika četvrtog razreda u primarnoj edukaciji
Title (english) Assessment of the State of Nutrition and Fitness in Fourth Grade Primary School Students
Author Lara Šarlija
Mentor Biljana Trajkovski (mentor)
Committee member Vilko Petrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Biljana Trajkovski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Ljubičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-07-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Cilj pisanja ovog diplomskog rada je procijeniti stanje uhranjenosti i stanje fitnesa učenika četvrtog razreda u primarnoj edukaciji. Putem analize prehrambenog stanja i fizičke kondicije, utvrdit ćemo trenutno stanje mjerenih parametara te izraditi smjernice za njihovo poboljšanje. Na temelju cilja i provedbe istraživanja odabran je prigodan uzorak učenika četvrtog razreda primarne edukacije, tri osnovne škole u Rijeci: Osnovna škola „Pehlin“, „Kozala“ i „Gornja Vežica“. Ispitivanju je
... More pristupilo 109 učenika, od kojih su 42 djevojčice i 67 dječaka. Osam morfoloških varijabli korištenih za izračun procjene stanja uhranjenosti učenika obuhvatile su: masu tijela, visinu tijela, BMI, kožni nabor leđa, kožni nabor nadlaktice, opseg vrata, opseg trbuha i opseg kukova. Također, za procjenu stanja fitnesa učenika korišteni su rezultati putem pet testova: podizanje trupa u 30 sekundi, izdržaj u visu zgibom, čučanj do otkaza, plenk do otkaza i skok u dalj iz mjesta. Svi testovi su učenicima bili unaprijed poznati te prilagođeni njihovoj dobi. Prilikom analize podataka uočena je razlika u rezultatima među učenicima na temelju njihova spola te među učenicima ovog istraživanja i učenika 4. razreda Primorsko-goranske županije iz neobjavljenih podataka Trajkovski (2023). Zaključeno je da dječaci ovog istraživanja imaju malo veću tjelesnu masu i imaju veći prosjek u visini, a djevojčice imaju malo manju tjelesnu masu i imaju veći prosjek u visini. BMI je i kod dječaka i kod djevojčica ovog istraživanja manji od prosječne vrijednosti te dobi, iz čega možemo potvrditi da ne pripadaju kategoriji prekomjerno teške djece. Iako, iz rezultata ovog istraživanja možemo zaključiti da prosječna vrijednost zbroja kožnih nabora pokazuje da u prosjeku dječaci imaju visok postotak tjelesne masti, a djevojčice u prosjeku imaju optimalan postotak tjelesne masti. Također, primijećeno je da WHR indeks ukazuje na prisutnost rizika od prekomjerne tjelesne težine i pretilosti kod učenika i učenica 4. razreda. Uspoređujući fitnes sposobnosti možemo zaključiti da i dječaci i djevojčice imaju iznadprosječni fitnes u testu podizanja trupa u 30 sekundi, u testu čučnja do otkaza, kao i u testu plenka do otkaza. U testu izdržaja u visu zgibom i testu skoka u dalj, dječaci imaju ispodprosječni fitnes, a djevojčice iznadprosječni fitnes. Zaključak ovog diplomskog rada je da učenike treba redovito pratiti i provjeravati kako bi učitelji imali sve potrebne informacije te kako bi mogli pozitivno utjecati na učenike, s ciljem unapređenja njihovih sposobnosti i zdravlja. Less
Abstract (english) The goal of writing this thesis is to assess the state of nutrition and the state of fitness of fourth-grade students in primary education. By analyzing the state of nutrition and fitness, the current state of the measured characteristics will be determined, and guidelines will be made to improve them. Based on the aim and implementation of the research, a suitable sample of fourth-grade primary education students was selected from three elementary schools in Rijeka: "Pehlin", "Kozala"
... More and "Gornja Vežica". 109 students participated in the examination, of which 42 were girls and 67 were boys. The eight morphological variables used to calculate the assessment of the nutritional status included: body weight, body height, BMI, back skin fold, upper arm skin fold, neck circumference, abdominal circumference and hip circumference. Also, the results of five tests were used to assess the students' fitness level: 30-second trunk lift, pull-up, squat to failure, lunge to failure, and long jump from a standing position. All tests were known to the students in advance and adapted to their age. When processing the data, a difference was determined between the students by gender and between the students of this study and the students of the 4th grade of the Primorsko-goranska from the unpublished data of Trajkovski (2023). It was concluded that the boys of this study have a slightly higher body mass and have a higher average height, and the girls have a slightly lower body mass and have a higher average height. The BMI of both boys and girls in this study is lower than the average value for that age, from which we can confirm that they do not belong to the category of overweight children. Although, from the results of this research we can conclude that the average value of the sum of skin folds shows that boys have a high percentage of body fat on average, and girls have an optimal percentage of body fat on average. Also, the WHR index shows that both boys and girls in the 4th grade are at risk of overweight and obesity in their further development. Comparing fitness abilities, we can conclude that both boys and girls have above-average fitness in the 30-second trunk lift test, in the squat to failure test, as well as in the diaper test to failure. In the pull-up and long jump tests, boys have below-average fitness and girls have above-average fitness. The conclusion of this thesis is that students should be monitored and checked regularly so that teachers have all the necessary information and can positively influence students, in order to improve their abilities and health. Less
primarna edukacija
Keywords (english)
primary education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:292591
Study programme Title: Integrated graduate and graduate study of Primary School Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-06 09:36:18