Abstract | Koncept profesionalnog učenja, u ovom radu, prikazujemo kao proces kontinuiranog i sustavnog rada na istraživanju, upoznavanju, razumijevanju i građenju kulture vrtića, odnosno vrtićke realnosti. U tom procesu značajna je uloga odgajatelja gdje on preuzima aktivnu ulogu i postaje istraživač vlastite prakse, refleksivni praktičar te inicijator i autor promjena kako vlastitog razvoja tako i razvoja kulture vrtića u cjelini.
Mnogi autori, upravo kulturu vrtića artikuliraju kao ključnu odrednicu kvalitativnih, dubinskih promjena u praksi te naglašavaju da se jedino promjenom kulture odgojno-obrazovne ustanove mogu mijenjati i sve ostale odrednice kvalitete ustanove.
Teza u kojoj se obrazlaže kako se stvarna poboljšanja mogu dogoditi samo ako dođu „iznutra“, od samih djelatnika, a to znači iz mreže zajedničkih vrijednosti, vjerovanja, normi i odnosa postavlja pred praktičare i stručne suradnike vrtića odgovornost za građenje jedne suradničke, profesionalno učeće kulture. Kako se promjena sama po sebi ne može ostvariti, potrebno je, u ustanovi, stvarati uvjete za permanentno učenje odgajatelja i djece zajedno, stvarajući tako model kolaborativnih i kolegijalnih međuljudskih odnosa u kojima se dijele ideje, traže rješenja za razne izazove iz prakse i tako zajedničkim snagama izgrađuje bolja i humanija ustanova koja je u skladu s ljudskom (dječjom) prirodom i u kojoj se svi dobro osjećaju.
Teorijski dio rada potkrepljuje vezu između profesionalnog učenja i razvoja odgajatelja s razvojem kulture vrtića. Istraživački dio rada daje prikaz strategije profesionalnog učenja odgajatelja putem modela akcijskog istraživanja s ciljem stvaranja uvjeta u kojima će odgajatelji imati priliku razvijati vlastita istraživačka i refleksivna umijeća te istraživati i propitivati vlastitu odgojno-obrazovnu praksu te vlastita uvjerenja, tj. „osobne“ teorije. Fokus istraživanja usmjeren je na vidljivu dimenziju kulture, odnosno prostorno-materijalno okruženje vrtića. |
Abstract (english) | The concept of professional learning in this work is presented as a process of continuous and systemic work on investigation, familiarization, understanding and creation of kindergarten culture, i.e. kindergarten reality. As regards this process, kindergarten teachers and their roles become very significant while they take an active role and become the investigators of one's own practice. Moreover, they become reflective practitioners and also the initiators and authors of change which affects their own development as well as the development of the kindergarten culture as a whole.
Many authors articulate kindergarten culture as the key determinant of qualitative and deep change in practice and point out that only the change of the culture of an educational institution brings about the change of all the other determinations of the quality of institution.
A thesis identifies that the real improvements can take place only if they come from 'the inside', i.e. from the employees themselves. They create the network of common values, beliefs, norms and relations which brings the responsibility for creating a cooperational and professional learning culture among kindegarten practitioners and expert assistants. While a change itself cannot take place, it is necessary to create the inside conditions aimed at the permanent common learning of both teachers and children, creating thus the model of collaborative and collegial interpersonal relations where the ideas are shared and the solutions for various practical challenges are searched for. By doing so, joint force creates a better and more human institution that is in accordance with human (children) nature and where everybody feels good about themselves.
The theoretical part of this work supports the relationship between kindergarten teacher professional learning and development and the development of kindergarten culture. The research part of the work gives the overview of the strategy of kindergarten teacher professional learning via an action research model that aims at creating the conditions where kindergarten teachers would have the opportunity to develop their own research and reflective skills as well as to investigate and question their own educational practice and also beliefs, i.e. 'one's own' theories. The research focus is being put on a visible dimension of culture, i.e. spatial-material kindergarten environment. |