Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines) |
Abstract | Slika se djeteta u ranom djetinjstvu znatno mijenjala kroz povijest. Suvremena istraživanja djeteta i djetinjstva doprinijela su velikim promjenama u ranom i predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju. Dijete uči aktivno, uči čineći, ono je aktivni sudionik usvajanja svoga znanja u kulturi konteksta koji ga okružuje (Woodhead, 2006; Bruner, 2000; Barth, 2004). “Konvencija o pravima djeteta” (1989) službeni je dokument koji govori o djetetu kao aktivnom građaninu društva, djetetu koje ima svoja temeljna ljudska prava pa tako i pravo na iznošenje vlastitog mišljenja, pravo na sudjelovanje i uvažavanje. Kurikulum, kao izgrađen i gotov dokument, papir je koji se ne može linearno prevesti u praksu, stoga je nužno da se ustanova transformira u zajednice koje uče (Slunjski, 2012; Vujičić 2011, 2021) kako bi se kurikulum mogao stvarati i graditi u kontekstu u kojem se odvija (Miljak, 2015; Slunjski, 2011). Iz toga proizlazi važnost načina na koji djeca uče. Gopnik (2003) govori kako djeca uče poput znanstvenika, uče istražujući svoje okruženje te na taj način samostalno ili u suradnji s drugima (djecom i odraslima) grade, konstruiraju, (su) konstruiraju znanja o svijetu u kojem žive. Ključna je uloga odgajatelja jer je on taj koji treba promatrati, osvještavati, razumijevati dijete i na osnovi tih znanja, mijenjati i prilagođavati kontekst. Kako bi se navedeno ostvarilo, ključno je kvalitetno i stručno vođenje pedagoške dokumentacije. U procesu građenja i razvoja kurikuluma neizmjerno je važna uloga djeteta. Dječja participacija u institucijama ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja je višedimenzionalna. Osim prava na sudjelovanje, neizostavne su dječje samoinicirane, samoorganizirane aktivnosti, ostvarivanje demokratskih odnosa na svim razinama te podjela moći i stjecanje odgovornosti. Ovaj rad prikazuje istraživanje odgojno obrazovne prakse skupine “Teddy Bears” iz Dječjeg vrtića Duga Resa. Za istraživanje odabran je kvalitativni pristup metodom akcijskog istraživanja s elementima etnografskog pristupa. Cilj rada je istražiti razumijevanje procesa dokumentiranja kao strategije razumijevanja dječje participacije u kreiranju kurikula skupine. |
Abstract (english) | The image of a child in an early childhood has undergone significant changes throughout the history. Contemporary research on children and childhood has led to major changes in early and preschool education. The child learns actively, learning by doing, and they are the (co)constructors of their own knowledge within the cultural context which surrounds them (Woodhead, 2006; Bruner, 2000; Barth, 2004). ” The Convention on the Rights of the Child” (1989) is an official document that speaks about the child as an active citizen of a society, the child who has fundamental human rights, including the right to express their own opinion, the right to participation and respect. The curriculum, as a constructed and finalized document, cannot be linearly translated into practice, so it is necessary for the institutions to transform it into learning communities (Slunjski, 2012; Vujičić, 2011, 2021) in order for the curriculum to be created and built within the context in which it takes place (Miljak, 2015; Slunjski, 2011). From this arises the importance of the way children learn. Gopnik (2003) argues that children learn like scientists, exploring their environment and thus independently or in collaboration with others (children and adults) in their surroundings, constructing knowledge about the world they live in. The role of the educator is crucial, an educator who needs to observe, raise awareness, understand the child, and based on that knowledge, change and adapt the context. In order to achieve the above, quality and professional pedagogical documentation leadership are crucial. In the process of building and developing the curriculum, the role of the child is immensely important. Childrens participation in an early childhood institutions is multidimensional. In addition to the right to participate, childrens self-initiated, self-organized activities, the establishment of democratic relationships at all levels, and the distribution of power and acquisition of responsibility are essential. This paper presents research on the educational practice of the ”Teddy Bear” group from Duga Resa Kindergarten. A qualitative approach was chosen for the research, using the method of action research with elements of an ethnographic approach. The aim of the paper isto explore the documentation process as a strategy for understanding childrens participation in curriculum creation within the group. |