Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines) |
Abstract | Pavao Pavličić jedan je od najproduktivnijih hrvatskih autora, poznat po velikom broju objavljenih kriminalističkih romana za odrasle i djecu. U ovom radu analizirani su njegovi dječji kriminalistički romani Trojica u Trnju, Zeleni tigar, Petlja, Lopovska uspavanka i Dva duga dana te je u svrhu toga provedeno istraživanje dostupne literature iz područja teorije i povijesti dječje književnosti. Na početku rada riječ je o pojavi dječjeg romana u svijetu i Hrvatskoj, kao i o popularizaciji kriminalističkog romana primjerenog djeci i mladima, koji karakterizira pothvat istrage koju umjesto odraslih vodi dječja družina. Ukazuje se i na važnost Pavličića u popularizaciji dječjeg kriminalističkog romana u Hrvatskoj, zbog koje se taj žanr počeo shvaćati kao umjetnički jednako vrijedan ostalima žanrovima. Analiziraju se i pravila krimića čije poštovanje često dovodi do uspjeha, a konkretno se analizira i prostor, vrijeme, fabula te likovi dječaka koji čitatelja prate kroz navedenih pet romana. Nakon analize spomenutih odrednica Pavličićevih romana dobiven je odgovor na pitanje jesu li takvi romani primjereni djeci predškolske dobi. Svojom dužinom svakako su preopširni za čitatelje predškolske dobi, no postepenom obradom poglavlja, djeci se nude sadržaji koji potiču njihovu istraživačku prirodu, potiču razvoj kritičkog mišljenja putem rasprava o pročitanom te ih se nenametljivo odgaja i potiče na plemenite radnje i borbu za pravednost. |
Abstract (english) | Pavao Pavličić is one of the most productive Croatian authors, known for many published crime novels for adults and children. This paper will analyse his children's crime novels Trojica u Trnju, Zeleni tigar, Petlja, Lopovska uspavanka and Dva duga dana and for this purpose research of the available literature in the field of theory and history of children's literature will be carried out. At the beginning of the paper, it will be looked at the emergence of children's novels in the world and in Croatia, as well as at the popularization of crime novels suitable for children and young people, which is characterized by the undertaking of an investigation led
by a group of children instead of adults. It will also be pointed out the importance of Pavličić in the popularization of children's crime novels in Croatia, because of which this genre began to be understood as artistically equally valuable to others. The rules of crime fiction, the VII observance of which often leads to success, will be analysed, and also space, time, fables, and the characters of the boys who follow the reader through the mentioned five novels will be analysed specifically. In the end, the mentioned determinants of Pavličić's novels were analysed and an answer was obtained as to whether such novels are suitable for preschool children. Due to their length, they are certainly too extensive for pre-school readers, but by gradually processing chapter by chapter, children are offered content that encourages their investigative nature, encourages the development of critical thinking through discussions about what they have read, and unconsciously educates them and encourages them to do noble actions and to fight for justice. |