Title Odnos psihološke otpornosti djece, roditelja i odgajatelja
Title (english) Relationship between psychological resilience of children, parents and educators
Author Ursula Radonić
Mentor Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić (mentor)
Committee member Dunja Anđić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Skočić Mihić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education (Department for Interdisciplinary and Natural Sciences) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-11-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Suvremeni koncept pozitivne psihologije i relevantnih istraživanja iz područja psihološke dobrobiti odnosi se na psihološku otpornost. Posebice je značajan u kontekstu ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja, gdje se pokazao značajnim korelatom psihološke dobrobiti djece, roditelja i odgajatelja, a samim time i njihovog odnosa s djecom u odgojno – obrazovnim skupinama. Stoga je osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja proučiti razinu psihološke otpornosti djece, roditelja i odgajatelja te analizirati njihove međusobne odnose, kao i odnos sa socio – demografskim varijablama. Riječ je o kvantitativnom istraživanju koje će obuhvatiti prigodan uzorak odgajatelja i roditelja koji će se samoprocjenjivati i procijeniti otpornost djece iz svojih odgojno – obrazovnih skupina. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati razinu psihološke otpornosti djece, roditelja i odgajatelja te analizirati njihove međusobne odnose kao i odnos sa socio – demografskim varijablama. Uzorak je činilo 71 odgajatelj, 21 roditelj te 948 djece na području šest županija. Primijenjena su dva upitnika koji su kreirani u svrhu ovog istraživanja. Jednu su ispunjavali odgajatelji, a drugu roditelji. Rezultati su pokazali da s rastom otpornosti odgajatelja raste i otpornost djece, tj. rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na umjerenu razinu psihološke otpornosti djece i odgajatelja te je time prva hipoteza ovog istraživanja potvrđena. Također, rezultati su pokazali značajne korelacije povezane s otpornošću djece, a to su spol djece, dob djece, kvaliteta suradnje s roditeljima i težina rada. Veća otpornost djece je značajno povezana s djevojčicama, starijom djecom, većom kvalitetom suradnje s roditeljima i manjom težinom rada. Osim navedenog, veća otpornost odgajatelja značajno je povezana s dječacima, visokom kvalitetom suradnje s roditeljima, muškim odgajateljima te starijim odgajateljima. Rezultati također ukazuju na umjerenu razinu psihološke otpornosti djece i roditelja te je time potvrđena i druga hipoteza ovog istraživanja no nalaze treba sagledavati u okviru ograničenja istraživanja koje se odnosi na relativno mali broj ispitanika.
Abstract (english) The modern concept of positive psychology as well as relevant research in the area of psychological well-being is related to psychological resilience. It is of special significance in the context of early and preschool education, where it is shown to correlate with the psychological well-being of children, parents, and educators, and with that their relations inside their respective classes. The basic goal of this research paper is to study the level of psychological resilience of children, parents, and educators as well as to analyze their relations concerning socio-demographic variables. It is a quantitative research that will develop an appropriate sample of educators and parents who will bear the task of self-assessment as well as assessment of children's resilience in their respective classes. The sample consisted of 71 educators, 21 parents, and 948 children based in six administrative regions. Two questionnaires created for this purpose were applied. One was filed out by educators, the other by parents. The results showed that the growth of resilience of educators is followed by the growth of children's resilience, i.e. the results of this research paper indicate a moderate level of psychological resilience of children and educators, thus confirming the first hypothesis of this research. The results have also shown significant correlations related to children's resilience, namely children's gender, children's age, quality of cooperation with parents, and difficulty of work. Greater resilience of children is significantly associated with girls, older children, higher quality of cooperation with parents, and less difficult work. In addition to the above, greater resilience of educators is significantly associated with boys, high quality of cooperation with parents, male educators, and older educators. The results also indicate a moderate level of psychological resilience of children and parents, thus confirming the second hypothesis of this research, but based on them, it is not possible to draw any concrete conclusions, since this research paper has a very small sample of examined parents.
Ključne riječi: djeca
psihološka otpornost
Keywords (english)
Keywords: children
psychological resilience
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:672529
Project Number: uniri-drustv-18-11 Title: Dobrobit djece u prijelaznim životnim periodima: empirijska provjera ekološko-dinamičkog modela Title: Children's Well-Being in Transition Periods: the Empirical Validation of Ecological-Dynamic Model Acronym: CHIWELLTRANS Leader: Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: MZO Ustanova Funding stream: Nema
Study programme Title: Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
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Created on 2022-11-13 08:47:15