Title Odrastanje u romanima Frances Hodgson Burnett
Title (english) Growing up in Frances Hodgson Burnett's Children's Novels
Author Andrea Jakupec
Mentor Maja Verdonik (mentor)
Committee member Ester Vidović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Verdonik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Opašić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-07-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Britanska književnica Frances Hodgson Burnett autorica je dječjih romana u kojima tematizira odrastanje djece u društvenim okolnostima života na prijelazu 19. u 20. stoljeće. U ovom diplomskom radu analiziraju se odabrani autoričini romani: Tajni vrt, Mali lord Fauntleroy i Mala princeza, s ciljem utvrđivanja njihove primjerenosti suvremenoj djeci čitateljima. Iako autorica prikazuje teške teme kroz sudbine svojih glavnih likova, one su i dalje aktualne u svijetu. Pomoću ovih knjiga mogu se
... More lakše približiti učenicima i djeci općenito, te započeti priču o njima, koja može završiti dobrim djelima i pružanju pomoći potrebitima sljedeći primjer Mary Lennox, Cedrica Errola te Sare Crewe. Metodologija ovog diplomskog rada je književnoteorijska analiza romana i komparativna književnofilmološka analiza romana i filmske adaptacije. Uspoređuju se sličnosti i razlike romana Tajni vrt te istoimenih filmskih adaptacija, kao i filmske adaptacije međusobno. Sva tri romana prema odrednicama žanra, pripadaju dječjem romanu. Sva tri romana imaju družinu, odnosno junaci u romanu su djeca koja pripadaju družini; sadrže određene preokrete koji daju dinamiku fabuli i čitatelje zaokupljaju do samog kraja; također pružaju jasan uvid u odnos djece i odraslih te način na koji odrasli svojim ponašanjem ostavljaju trag kod junaka romana. U diplomskom radu uspoređivale su se sličnosti i razlike romana Tajni vrt te istoimenih filmskih adaptacija, kao i filmske adaptacije međusobno. Filmska adaptacija iz 1993. godine bliža je romanu jer kronološki slijedi fabulu, u filmu su prikazani svi događaji i susreti važni za fabulu romana, a glumci i likovi su po ponašanju i izgledu sličniji junacima u romanu. Less
Abstract (english) British writer Frances Hodgson Burnett is the author of Children's novels in which she focuses on the growth of children in the social circumstances of life at the turn from 19th to 20th century. This thesis analyses the selected author's novels: The Secret Garden, Little lord Fauntleroy and A Little princess in order to determine their suitability for contemporary readers, primarily children. Additionally, the similarities and differences of literary works and film adaptations of the same
... More name are compared. The author presents difficult topics, that are still relevant till this day in the world, through the destinies of her main characters. And with the help of these books, everyone can easily approach pupils and children in general, and start a conversation about these topics, which may end with good deeds and helping those in need, following the example of Mary Lennox, Cedric Errol and Sarah Crewe. The methodology of this thesis is the literary-theoretical analysis of the novels and the comparative literary-film analysis of the novel The Secret Garden and it´s movie adaptations, as well as the comparison of movie adaptations. All three novels, according to genre criteria, belong to Children's novels. All three novels have; a group of close friends, that is, the heroes in these novels are children who belong to the group of friends; provide certain plot twists that give the plot dynamics and engage readers to the very end; they also provide a clear insight into the relationship between children and adults and the way in which adults leave their mark on the children in these novels. Moreover, in this thesis, the similarities, and differences of the novel The Secret Garden and the movie adaptations of the same name were compared, as well as the movie adaptations to each other. The movie adaptation from 1993 is closer to the novel then the movie adaptation from 2020, because: it chronologically follows the plot, the movie depicts all the events and encounters that are crucial in the plot of the novel The Secret Garden and finally, the actors and the characters are more similar in behaviour and appearance to the characters in the novel. Less
Tajni vrt
Mali lord Fauntleroy
Mala princeza
romani o djetinjstvu
dječja književnost
Keywords (english)
The Secret Garden
Little Lord Fauntleroy
A Little Princess
Children's novels
Children's literature
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:901097
Study programme Title: Integrated graduate and graduate study of Primary School Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-21 08:04:15