Title Kako istražuju učenici? Istraživački pristup u nastavi prirode i društva u nižim razredima osnovne škole
Title (english) How do students research? The inquiry based learning in teaching nature and society in the lower grades of primary school
Author Jelena Gunc
Mentor Dunja Anđić (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Istraživački pristup novi je metodološki pristup koji se pojavljuje u Kurikulumu nastavnog predmeta Priroda i društvo kojim se potiče samostalno učeničko istraživanje, otkrivanje, zaključivanje i dolaženje do spoznaja. Primjena istraživačkog pristupa podrazumijeva aktivnu ulogu učenika te je zato neizostavan dio suvremeno orijentirane nastave prirode i društva. Cilj rada je bio istražiti što i kako učenici istražuju u nastavi prirode i društva tijekom provedbe istraživačkog pristupa te ispitati procjene i stavove učitelja o nastavnoj praksi provedbe istraživačkog pristupa. Anketnim upitnikom ispitivali su se stavovi učitelja prema istraživačkom pristupu, primjena oblika i metoda rada tijekom provedbe istraživačkog pristupa, poučavanje nastavnih sadržaja prirode i društva primjenom istraživačkog pristupa, učestalost provedbe istraživačkog pristupa, važnost uloge učitelja u provedbi istraživačkog pristupa, utjecaj provedbe istraživačkog pristupa na cjelokupni učenički razvoj, povezanost stavova prema istraživačkom pristupu s učestalosti provedbe istraživačkog pristupa te povezanost stavova prema istraživačkom pristupu s preprekama koje se javljaju tijekom provedbe istog. Rezultati istraživanja su ukazali kako učitelji imaju pozitivne stavove prema primjeni istraživačkog pristupa, da su motivirani za provedbu te da često primjenjuju istraživački pristup u nastavi prirode i društva. Istraživanje je također ukazalo na to da se svi sadržaji prirode i društva poučavaju primjenom istraživačkog pristupa, ali u nejednakoj mjeri. Usprkos tome, istraživanje je pokazalo kako učitelji vlastitu ulogu u primjeni istraživačkog pristupa smatraju važnom te da primjena istraživačkog pristupa djeluje pozitivno na cjelokupni učenički razvoj. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja ukazali su i na to kako ne postoji povezanost između stavova prema istraživačkom pristupu i učestalosti provedbe istraživačkog pristupa, ali da postoji povezanost između stavova i prepreka koje se javljaju tijekom provedbe istraživačkog pristupa u nastavi prirode i društva. U konačnici, rezultati su ukazali kako se istraživački pristup i dalje nedostatno provodi, kako prepreke za njegovu provedbu uistinu postoje te da učitelji smatraju kako ne posjeduju dovoljno znanja i kompetencija za njegovu provedbu.
Abstract (english) The inquiry-based learning is a new methodological approach that appears in the Curriculum of the subject of nature and society that encourages independent student research, discovery, conclusion and knowledge. The application of the inquiry-based learning an active role of students and is therefore an indispensable part of modern oriented teaching of nature and society. The aim of the paper was to investigate what and how students explore in the teaching of nature and society during the implementation of the inquiry-based learning. The aim was also to examine teachers' assessments and attitudes about teaching practice and about the implementation of the inquiry-based learning. The survey questionnaire examined teachers' attitudes towards the inquiry-based learning, application of forms and methods of work during the implementation of the inquiry-based learning, teaching nature and society teaching using the inquiry-based learning, frequency of the inquiry-based learning, importance of the teacher's role in the inquiry-based learning for student development, the connection of attitudes towards the inquiry-based learning with the frequency of the implementation of the inquiry-based learning and the connection of attitudes towards the inquiry-based learning with the obstacles that arise during its implementation. The results of the research indicated that teachers have positive attitudes towards the application of the inquiry-based learning, that they are motivated to implement it and that they often apply the inquiry-based learning in teaching nature and society. The research also indicated that all contents of nature and society are taught by applying the inquiry-based learning, but to an unequal extent. Nevertheless, research has shown that teachers consider their own role in the application of the inquiry-based learning important and that the application of the research approach has a positive effect on the overall student development. The obtained research results indicated that there is no connection between attitudes towards the inquiry-based learning and the frequency of its implementation, but that there is a connection between attitudes and obstacles that occur during the implementation of the inquiry-based learning in teaching nature and society. Ultimately, the results indicated that the inquiry-based learning is still insufficiently implemented, that obstacles to its implementation do exist, and that teachers feel that they do not have sufficient knowledge and competencies to implement it.
istraživački pristup
nastava prirode i društva
oblici i metode rada
pozitivan utjecaj
učestalost provedbe
Keywords (english)
inquiry-based learning
teaching nature and society
forms and methods of work
positive impact
frequency of implementation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:118648
Study programme Title: Integrated graduate and graduate study of Primary School Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-06-20 16:35:55