Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines) |
Abstract | Ovaj završni rad temelji se na istraživanju karakteristika književnih djela iz
područja dječje književnosti suvremene finske autorice Tove Jansson (1914. – 2001.).
Veliki uspjeh stekla je kao spisateljica za djecu i za odrasle. Višestruko nadarena
umjetnica uglavnom je zapamćena kao kreatorica dječjih priča o likovima Mumina,
prevedenih na više od pedeset jezika. Cilj rada je književnoteorijskom analizom utvrditi
stilske komponente dječjih priča Tove Jansson u djelima Mumini i velika poplava (2020),
Memoari Mumintate (2020), Ljeto u Mumindolu (2019), Opasna zima u Mumindolu
(2019) te Nevidljivo dijete i druge priče iz Mumindola (2020) kao i njihovu primjerenost
u radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi.
Književnoteorijskom analizom jasno se moglo utvrditi kako u djelima iz serijala
priča o Muminima prevladavaju elementi bajkovitosti, no važno je staviti naglasak i na
elemente fantastičnosti. Elementi bajke koji se najčešće pojavljuju jesu pojava
fantastičnih likova i događaja, naglašenost etičkog karaktera djela, sretan završetak,
pojava neparnog broja tri te opisi pejzaža koji su u funkciji radnje. Za fantastičnu priču
to su stvaranje čudesnog, antropomorfizacija te pojava natprirodnih likova. Osvrćući se
na njihovu primjernost djeci rane i predškolske dobi, po određenim značajkama
primjerenosti, jasno je uočljivo kako su prikladna za uporabu u predškolskim odgojnoobrazovnim ustanovama. |
Abstract (english) | This final thesis is based on researching the characteristics of literary works in the
field of children's literature by the contemporary Finnish author Tove Jansson (1914 –
2001). She achieved great success as a writer for both children and adults. A multitalented artist, she is primarily remembered as the creator of children’s stories about the
whimsical characters known as the Moomins, translated into over fifty languages. The
aim of this thesis is to determine, through theoretical literary analysis, the stylistic
components of Tove Jansson's children's stories in works such as Mumini i velika poplava
(2020), Memoari Mumintate (2020), Opasno ljeto u Mundolu (2019), Zima u Mumindolu
(2019), and Nevidljivo dijete i druge priče iz Mumindola (2020), as well as their suitability
for working with children of early and preschool age.
Through theoretical literary analysis, it has been clearly established that elements
of fairy tales dominate in the Moomin series, but it is also important to highlight the
presence of fantastical elements. The common fairytale elements include the presence of
fantastic characters and events, a pronounced ethical nature, happy endings, the
occurrence of the number three, and landscape descriptions that support the narrative. For
fantastical stories, the creation of the fantastic, anthropomorphism, and the presence of
supernatural characters are notable. Considering their suitability for young and preschoolaged children, based on specific appropriateness features, these works are suitable for use
in preschool educational institutions. |