Title Procjena stanja uhranjenosti i fitnesa učenika drugog razreda u primarnoj edukaciji
Title (english) Assessment of the state of nutrition and fitness of second grade students in primary education
Author Martina Maslać
Mentor Biljana Trajkovski (mentor)
Committee member Vilko Petrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Ljubičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-07-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad pisao se s ciljem procijene stanja uhranjenosti i bavljenja fitnesom učenika drugih razreda u primarnoj edukaciji. Uzorak varijabli činilo je osam morfoloških varijabli: masa tijela, visina tijela, BMI indeks, kožni nabori leđa i nadlaktice, opsezi vrata, trbuha i kukova te pet testova za procjenu stanja fitnesa: podizanje trupa u 30 sek, izdržaj u visu zgibom, čučanj do otkaza, plenk do otkaza, skok udalj iz mjesta. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 89 učenika (52 djevojčice i 37 dječaka) drugih razreda triju osnovnih škola (OŠ „Gornja Vežica“, OŠ „Kozala“, OŠ „Pehlin“) na području Rijeke. Učenici su bili unaprijed upoznati s ciljem i svrhom provedbe ovog istraživanja te su testovi bili prilagođena dobi učenika. Pri obradi podataka i analizi rezultata, morfološkim varijablama tjelesne visine, tjelesne mase i BMI indeksa utvrđeno je kako učenici oba spola ovog istraživanja imaju prekomjernu tjelesnu masu. Zbrojem morfoloških varijabli kožnih nabora leđa i nadlaktice prikazano je da postoju indikatori koji ukazuju na rizike prekomjerno tjelesne težine i pretilosti u daljem razvoju učenika. Također, u ovim varijablama je vidljivo i kako postoji razlika u postotku masti ovisno o zbroju vrijednosti kožnih nabora između djevojčica i dječaka. Obradom podataka opsega trbuha i opsega kukova izračunat je WHR indeks kojim se može vidjeti kako oba spola imaju vrijednost WHR indeksa veću od prosječne i time se zaključuje kako i djevojčice i dječaci ovog istraživanja naginju k pretilosti. Što se tiče analize stanja fitnesa kod učenika njome je prikazano kako učenici ovog istraživanja iako naginju k pretilosti i imaju prekomjernu tjelesnu težinu, ipak imaju zadovoljavajuću kondiciju i fitnes sposobnosti. Proučavajući dobivene rezultate utvrđenog stanja učenika, izradila sam vlastiti godišnji izvedbeni kurikulum za 2. razred osnovne škole, kojim sam prikazala koje sve kineziološke sadržaje treba koristiti u 2. razredu osnovne škole kako bi se zadržale navike bavljenja dosadašnjim fitnesom i postignuta kondicija. Zaključak ovog diplomskog rada je da iako djeca imaju razvijenu potrebu za tjelesnim kretanjem, ipak ih treba usmjeravati prilikom razvoja i ukazati im na posljedice pretilosti.
Abstract (english) This master thesis was written with the aim of assessing the state of nutrition and fitness of students of second grades in primary education. The samples of variables consisted of eight morphological variables: body mass, body height, BMI index, skinfold of the back and of the upper arm, neck circumference, abdominal circumference and hip circumference, as well as five tests to evaluate the state of fitness: lifting the trunk in 30 seconds, standing up pull-up, squat to failure, plank to failure, long jump from place. The samples of respondents consisted of 89 students (52 girls and 37 boys) from the second grades of three primary schools (Primary School "Gornja Vežica", Primary School "Kozala", Primary School "Pehlin") in the area of Rijeka. Before conducting this reaserch, students were informed about the aim and purpose of it, and the tests were adjusted to the age of the students. When processing the data and analyzing the results, the morphological variables of body height, body mass and BMI index determined that students of both sexes in this study were overweight. The sum of the morphological variables of the skin folds of the back and upper arm showed there are risk indicators of overweight and obesity in the development of children. Also, in these variables it is visible that there are differences in the percentage of fat depending on the sum of the values of skin folds between boys and girls. By processing the data of hip circumference and abdominal circumference, the WHR index was figured out, with which it can be seen that both sexes have a WHR index value higher than the average, and thus it is concluded that both girls and boys in this study tend to obesity. Regarding the analysis that represents the state of fitness between the students, it was shown that the students tested on this study, although they tend to obesity and have excessive body weight, still have satisfactory fitness and fitness abilities. Studying the obtained results of the determined state of the students, I created my own annual performance curriculum for the 2nd grade of elementary school, with which I showed which kinesiology content should be used in the 2nd grade of elementary school in order to maintain the previous fitness habits and the fitness achieved. Conclusion of my master thesis is although children have a developed need for physical movement, they still need to be guided during their development and pointed out to them about the consequences of obesity.
Ključne riječi: prekomjerne tjelesna težina
morfološka obilježja
Keywords (english)
morphological features
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:668729
Study programme Title: Integrated graduate and graduate study of Primary School Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-07-16 22:12:06